At Best Acupuncture, LLC, we are more than just an acupuncture office offering acupuncture. We have made a commitment to you, the customer, to offer comprehensive services which go beyond getting a treatment.
Originally trained in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Kim has trained and continues to train beyond Traditional Chinese Medicine to understand the “Dao” of disease. Kim expanded her practice to include Classical Chinese Medicine with its focus evenly distributed on the physical body, emotional body, spiritual body and the god principle. She combined principles of key energetic medicines to strengthen her delivery and improve her diagnosis. Her delivery has defined a methodology to treat disease at its root while confronting its expression in the physical body.
Yet, it isn’t just about making people well again. It is also about being able to stay healthy. Education is a key focus of Best Acupuncture, LLC. Kim will take time to explain the foundation of Chinese Medical theory and how your diagnosis fits into the framework. Through theory, you can better understand the severity of your condition and what items in your life may be encouraging your condition. Kim helps you understand what to look for as you improve and what you can do after treatment to continue to stay healthy.
Medicine is more than one medicine, and Western medicine plays a key role. Yet, the practice of Western medicine has changed. Doctors are forced to practice metrics instead of wellness. Thus, the patient has more responsibility than ever to communicate quickly and efficiently. Kim will take the time to listen and help you identify information you need to communicate.
Western test results and records can sometimes be crucial to determining the best treatment in Chinese Medicine. Kim reviews your medical records. Based on her review, she will identify questions you may want to ask your doctor and why or what additional lab work you may want to request.
And we still accept insurance. This hasn’t been an easy decision. It’s a decision based on what we would want if we were seeing a medical professional. We will verify and bill your insurance. The office will apply payments and work with you to understand the billing and payments. It’s insurance. So, its not going to be all roses and sunshine. But our front office will take additional steps beyond even Western medical offices to help you resolve billing issues.
Best Acupuncture, LLC is about a commitment to you. We are more than a treatment or a feel good vibe. We have made a full commitment to your health the BEST way.