Croup is a common respiratory illness that primarily affects young children. It is characterized by a barking cough, hoarseness, and difficulty breathing. The symptoms are caused by inflammation and swelling of the larynx, trachea, and bronchi, which narrows the airways. 

Croup is often triggered by a viral infection, such as the common cold, and can be contagious. The severity of Croup can vary, but in severe cases, it may require hospitalization. Treatment typically involves relieving symptoms with medication and maintaining proper hydration, but supplemental oxygen or other medical interventions may be necessary in severe cases.

Because Croup is a viral infection, it can not be treated with antibiotics. Antibiotics address bacterial infections. 


If you’re looking for a more natural approach to healthcare, consider treating your health conditions or symptoms with natural remedies. You can use natural substances to support your body’s innate ability to heal itself. Unlike conventional medications, natural treatments are often free from harmful side effects and can be a more holistic approach to wellness. 

Chinese HerbsFurthermore, natural remedies are often more accessible and affordable than prescription drugs or medical procedures. While not all natural treatments have been scientifically proven safe and effective, many have a long history of use and a strong track record of success. Chinese herbal remedies and acupuncture have a rich history spanning thousands of years, and a growing body of scientific research supports their effectiveness and safety as alternative treatments for various health conditions. 

Chinese herbal ingredients produced in Asia and used in Chinese Medicine are considered medications. Each herb in China has strict quality standards that cover how the herb can be grown, when the herb must be harvested, how the herbs can be processed, and the storage of herbs used in medical formulas. 

Chinese herbs have a variety of herbs scientifically proven to fight viral infections. Click here to learn about 9 legendary Chinese herbs that treat viral infections.


Like Germany, China considers herbs part of the medical establishment and strictly regulates their production and manufacture. Licensed practitioners in the United States can guarantee the quality and purity of products by purchasing from medical suppliers following GMP standards.

Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) are a set of international standards that ensure the quality and safety of products, including herbal medicines. In China, GMP is regulated by the China Food and Drug Administration (CFDA) and applies to the production, processing, packaging, and storage of herbal products. 

The aim of GMP in the herbal industry is to guarantee that products are manufactured and distributed under controlled and hygienic conditions, using only raw materials of known quality and purity.

To achieve GMP certification, Chinese herbal manufacturers must meet strict requirements regarding facilities, equipment, staff training, quality control procedures, and documentation. This helps to ensure that products are of consistent quality and free from contamination or harmful substances. 

GMP certification is important for both domestic and international markets, as it provides assurance to consumers and regulators that the products they are using are of high quality and meet the relevant standards.

Overall, GMP plays a crucial role in maintaining the quality and safety of Chinese herbal products, and it is an important factor to consider when choosing herbal products, whether in China or elsewhere.


scienceHerbs manufactured under GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) standards are considered much higher quality than those manufactured under FDA (Food and Drug Administration) standards. This is because GMP standards are more comprehensive and stringent, covering all aspects of production, from raw materials sourcing to final product testing. GMP standards also require regular audits and inspections to ensure compliance.

GMP standards for medical equipment and supplies apply globally and are recognized internationally. So medical manufacturers that comply with GMP standards can sell their products in multiple countries. This global consideration ensures that products are held to the highest international standards instead of the lowest.

The FDA herbal standards were established with the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 (DSHEA). Instead of focusing on the quality and purity of herbal products, the act focused on labeling. It was enacted to prohibit dietary supplement manufacturers and distributors from making claims, such as “natural” and “therapeutic,” on supplement labels. In addition, the law prohibits the manufacture and sale of adulterated dietary supplements.


Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) often uses Chinese herbal formulas to treat Croup. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is based on the principles of individualized treatment and holistic healing, which means that each person is treated as a unique individual with their own specific set of symptoms, health history, and lifestyle factors. 

Therefore, unlike regular medicine, a one-size-fits-all treatment plan is not applicable in TCM as the diagnosis and treatment plan is tailored to the individual’s needs and requirements. This is why TCM practitioners often take a thorough medical history, perform a physical examination, and consider various other factors, such as the patient’s age, gender, and constitution, before formulating a treatment plan.

This is the same with Croup. Croup will have unique requirements based on your individual constitution and presentation. Regular medicine does recognize three stages of Croup. Chinese Herbal medicine can be used alone or in combination with regular medicine. The three stages are:

  1. Mild Croup: This is the initial stage and is characterized by a mild cough and hoarseness.
  2. Moderate Croup: In this stage, the symptoms become more severe, including a louder and more persistent cough, difficulty breathing, and a high-pitched whistling sound when breathing. Here is where you start to hear the barking cough.
  3. Severe Croup: This is the most serious stage and is characterized by difficulty breathing, rapid breathing, and a bluish color of the skin and lips due to a lack of oxygen.

Although Croup is usually a self-limiting illness with most children recovering fully within a week, the introduction of Covid introduced Croup-like barking cough that lasts for weeks. In these incredibly long-running situations, it can be helpful to seek the help of other medical solutions with a history of efficacy and a commitment to quality and purity in their medications like Chinese Medicine.


chinese formulaHere are some of the formulas commonly used in the different stages. 

In the initial stages, formulas like Jin Fei Cao Tang Jia Jian or Jin Fei Cao Tang may resolve Croup. A typical combination is San Ao Tang, Sang Ju Yin, and Dai Ge San.

In the second stage, more heat clearing may be required to relieve the barking cough. Sang Bai Pi Tang may help resolve the second stage. Other formulas that may help during this stage include Qing Fei Yi Huo Pian, Gao Mao Ling, or Huang Lian Jie Du Wan.

The third stage may be treated with herbal formulas like Ren Shen Wu Wei Zi Tang, Ren Shen Bai Du Wan, or another formula that helps recovery after a severe viral infection.


Using multiple medical solutions to address a problem can bring numerous benefits. It can help you understand the ability of new treatments without having to risk a complete commitment to something unknown. That alone can allow you to experience the benefits and lead to better future decision-making for your health. 

There are many areas where regular medicine doesn’t have an option and the willingness to try other medical treatments could be the difference between being trapped in a chronic disease culture or feeling vibrant and healthy again. 

This can take you outside the either/or black-and-white solution, also known as binary thinking. This type of thinking that categorizes things into only two opposing and distinct categories, with no middle ground or nuance can trap you inside of limitations. Because this type of thinking can lead to oversimplification and incorrect conclusions, finding ways to step outside of black-and-white thinking can be the step that brings your health back. 

Kim is a healthcare professional who specializes in colds and flus. Later working with COVID-19, and long haulers. Kim believes in the effectiveness of Chinese herbal medicine and believes that it is a great addition for those who are tired of being chronically sick.

By incorporating other medical opportunities into your treatment plan, Kim aims to help you find relief from your symptoms and improve your overall health and wellness. If someone is ready to break out of binary thinking and is ready for a change, schedule a virtual working session to explore healing with Chinese herbal medicine.