Emotional Healing & Change in the Present is a life-changing process based on ancient Daoism that allows you to re-engineer your mental attitude, how you interact with the world, and self-actualize in the quickest and safest way possible.
Learn how to improve your mental health outcomes and transform your emotions and reactions with wisdom and compassion.
- Transform Anxiety into Confidence
- Recognize & Remodel Misunderstood Behaviors
- Repair Broken Relationships
- Discover Your Value
About Emotional Healing & Change in the Present
What Is It?
Emotional Healing & Change in the Present is an individualized in-person program with goals and strategies to overcome your emotional barriers. These barriers have driven your life’s decisions. They have stopped you from doing what you wanted to do. Instead of spending years training to manage your behavior while still feeling the same, this program gives you the opportunity to get rid of those feelings and anxieties…completely. You get to finally gain control of your life, drop the emotional baggage and live an exceptional life.
How does it work?
We meet in person, you watch the videos, complete the action items, use the provided tools, and guides. You get to ask questions during your in-person, individualized consults and ancient Daoist treatments. You get individualized strategies modified and built on your situation. Just follow the process, show up, and get results.
Who is it for?
Emotional Healing & Change in the Present is for anybody who wants to finally overcome their anxiety, grief, anger, triggers, criticisms and break the chains of their history. The program gives you the confidence to live an extraordinary life and go for the things you always wanted but were afraid to try. It works for anybody, regardless of what you went through or how long you’ve suffered.
When does it start?
Emotional Healing & Change in the Present is an in-person program tailored for your specific needs and starts the moment you enroll. You get a personalized plan and goal with a clear schedule to allow you to pre-plan. You work through your steps and get amazing results.
Where does it happen?
Emotional Healing & Change in the Present program is an in-person program that consists of weekly to monthly meetings depending on your situation and your goals. Training videos, discovery tools, action items allow you to get more depth and resolution.
Why does it exist?
Emotional Healing & Change in the Present was created because I and so many of my clients had used every tool out there to overcome triggers and mental processes that were driving our lives. The best we could do was learn processes to manage our behaviors. I knew there was more to Chinese Medicine and spent years searching for my answers. Finally, I found Daoism and Daoist practitioners in Chinese Medicine and was able to put the spirituality and emotional focus back into the medicine that the current TCM had taken out. I learned Chinese Medicine had always known and allowed people to overcome emotional barriers, triggers, and “karma”. There was nothing that had to be forever. Here was a clear and concise roadmap on how to fully overcome emotional barriers, triggers, and “karma”. Emotional Healing & Change in the Present fills the void, and allows you to become the person you want to be.
To Learn More, Schedule A Free 45 Minute Consultation. 360-841-7558.