As we get further and further away from the initial shots, it is more complex and harder to differentiate between normal bad health and COVID-19 long haulers or vax injury. But statistics don’t lie, and something fundamental has changed our health. It started the year after the vaccine roll-out. If you’re curious about the statistics, check out this link.

The First Wave – the Start of the Heart Disease Epidemic

Toxic Personalities, Toxic PeopleWhen the damage first started appearing in the clinic, I ignored it. The first symptom I noticed was sudden high blood pressure. About a year and a half after the initial Dec 2020 vaccine roll-out, I had senior clients who were diagnosed with high blood pressure.

My senior patients are health-motivated and active, making this sudden appearance of high blood pressure a little suspect. Yet, like everyone, I initially blew it off because high blood pressure can be a typical sign of aging.

The high blood pressure came with a slight shortness of breath. It wasn’t significant enough to comment on. Slight enough that you would write it off to being out of shape.

Patients would go to their doctor and get prescribed high blood pressure medications. Historically, blood pressure medications start with an ACE inhibitor like lisinopril. ACE inhibitors widen the blood vessels. As things progress, you retain fluids, and a diuretic is added to remove excess fluids. Lastly, as the blood pressure gets more resistant and progresses, a beta blocker is added, like atenolol or propranolol. Beta-blockers reduce the heart rate.

What was different about the blood pressure was it was resistant to typical treatment. Many of the individuals would migrate immediately to a beta blocker. Before the pandemic, I had seen the use of beta-blockers in older people as age and time made it more challenging to manage their blood pressure. I hadn’t seen the use of beta blockers in younger adults.

The widespread use of beta-blockers bothered me, especially as beta-blockers are exceptionally toxic. In younger adults, if the prescription was not the correct medication, would there be more concern for a toxic overdose?

Post Covid Syndrome/Long Haulers

As time went on, the shortness of breath would continue to increase. You would think your shortness of breath was getting worse. But, you didn’t have something specific to compare. So, it would end up as a nagging discomfort.

The Second Wave – Losing the Dream Western Medicine is the Night in Shining Armor

It wasn’t until the end of 2022 that I started thinking something was happening with the shots. I couldn’t find anything on my concerns in the United States. We know now that the government and industry had censored research and communication. Yet, there was research happening overseas, especially in Germany and the Netherlands.

Then, some of my older clients started experiencing muscle weakness, especially in the left shoulder and arm. The symptoms were so unique I believed they were somehow related to the shots. It wasn’t until the beginning of 2024 research out of the Netherlands pointed to why this was happening.

Yet, the shoulder muscles would be lax and would not respond to typical desires for movement. At the same time, the person would experience increasing neck pain and intermittent shoulder pain. They would experience dizziness and changes in vision.

The muscle weakness would progress to other limbs like the legs. Here is when older people would start to experience falls. They would usually end up in the hospital from one of the falls. Western Medicine was unable to help these individuals. Most of them passed.

The Third Wave – Expanding the Ages

Initially, it appeared as if the immune system’s strength dictated how soon the symptoms appeared. The first wave was seniors and happened about a year and a half after the injections. The third wave occurred at the beginning of 2023 with an expanded set of symptoms in the over-40 and under-20 crowd.

The under-20 crowd just appeared perpetually sick. These individuals always had some sinus issue or bronchitis. They couldn’t get over the flu. They were always fatigued or had a chronic cough. They were getting injured more easily or having a hard time with sports. As parents, in the back of your mind, you felt a nagging sense of fear. Yet, your doctors seemed to think it was o.k.

thinkingIndividuals over 40 would first notice the high blood pressure. They were experiencing many other symptoms. They would have neck pain and swelling of the throat with a sensation of stuffiness in the throat. The digestion would be very sour, and a pronounced shortness of breath. They might notice their heartbeat, have intermittent chest pain, and pain in their arm. The shortness of breath would be severe and feel like COPD, where the lungs are constrained or feel like something is stepping on their chest or they have a band wrapped around the lungs.

There would be all the symptoms of a heart attack. Yet, if they got a EKG, ultrasound, x-ray, troponin, d-dimer, CBC, CMP, stress tests etc. the tests would indicate the heart and lungs were fine. Yet, each one of the individuals would know something was wrong.

The Fourth Wave – Same Symptoms Different Starts

As 2023 progressed, a fourth wave began to appear in the clinic. These individuals were younger, between 30-50 years old. They had experienced what would be considered normal health issues. It was just happening at a younger age.

These individuals were prescribed pharmaceuticals, the normal suppression therapy in Western Medicine. Yet, their symptoms continued to progress. Most individuals would start to feel heightened emotions of anxiety or irritation as their symptoms progressed.

In the fourth wave, people presented with similar symptoms but different root causes. Over the past two years, I have been able to use the same formulas and processes. This fourth wave had the influence of time, and I was no longer able to use the same formulas.

Each individual has a unique immune system with unique weaknesses. When being attacked by a virus, your weakest areas are most susceptible. The virus attacks the body through your weakest parts, causing similar symptoms but different modes of getting there.

So, if we compare the different waves, maybe the first wave was those with immune weaknesses in the lungs or lung genetic anomalies. The virus is most potent in the lungs. As time went by, the virus found its way into the more robust immune systems and started its slow deterioration process. I’ve always said COVID-19 is a master of the Art of War.

Anyways, the fourth wave changed what was happening in the clinic. Although the supplements were still the same as documented in HealthHUB, every individual required a different Chinese Herbal formula. With most individuals, the layer of health issues that married with the destruction of the spike protein and lipid nano-particles made these cases more complicated.

Today, the most common symptom that people can notice is a disturbing shortness of breath. If you are talking to someone and get shortness of breath or walk to the end of your driveway and notice shortness of breath, that’s what I’m talking about. If your child gets chronically sick or never seems to get over the sinus and bronchitis issues or is having a really hard time getting over the latest “flu”, that is it.

The other symptom is you suddenly notice coldness in your hands or feet accompanied by tingling or numbness. The coldness can progress to where you feel intermittently cold all over.
