I want to extend my gratitude to all my clients who have supported the clinic and me throughout this challenging time. Your flexibility and ability to adapt quickly to the changes have helped the clinic continue to provide a harmonious healing environment.

Effective April 3, the Washington State Department of Health (DOH) will end the Secretary of Health Mask Order, which requires universal masking in healthcare, long-term care, and adult correctional facilities for people aged 5 and older.

In Washington, COVID-19, RSV, and influenza disease rates and hospitalizations have declined since last year’s end. The end of Washington’s universal masking requirements aligns with a similar announcement made by the state of Oregon.

This change in masking requirements means it is your preference to wear a mask or not in the office. If the COVID, flu, or norovirus rates go up, I’ll probably mask again. 

I appreciate that you could adjust to what has been a difficult situation for all of us and, through your flexibility, enabled the office and other clients to uphold Washington State law.

You can find current COVID statistics for Washington State by clicking here.