I wanted to reach out and explain why I haven’t been able to send out the monthly newsletter recently. It’s been a challenging period for me as I’ve been deeply invested in the well-being of some of my patients and myself who have been experiencing perplexing health symptoms. These unique and complex cases have consumed a significant amount of my time and energy, leaving me with less capacity to focus on other responsibilities, including the newsletter.

NewsletterYou’re wondering what happened. I noticed a concerning trend with a cluster of symptoms gaining momentum over the past six to eight months. It affects the lungs with shortness of breath, digestive health, constriction in the throat, and sometimes high blood pressure. I have been fully committed to helping my patients navigate these health concerns, and I’m actively collaborating with fellow healthcare professionals nationwide to find the best solutions.

The individuals affected can be hyper-sensitive, almost like their nervous system is running on overdrive. That can leave the person edgy and exhausted.

It wasn’t just my clients. These weird symptoms impacted my health. Over a month, I went from o.k. to being unable to eat, having strange pressure in my head, difficulty sleeping, being agitated, and my blood pressure spiked.

I had thought it was some form of long hauler. Then I returned to the clinic and found that about 30% of my patients were experiencing similar weird health symptoms. Some of them had gotten medication for high blood pressure or digestion. Yet, they were continuing to get sicker and felt that something was right inside of them. Something was very wrong.

Because so many of us were experiencing these symptoms at the same time, it didn’t fit the traditional Covid-19 long hauler syndrome. The traditional long hauler syndrome didn’t do anything the same. Every long hauler I treated had different symptoms. No one was the same. Some would have long haulers right after being sick. Some would be eight months later. Some would be a month later. Each individual got Covid-19 at different times. Nothing was similar in long haulers except being sick.

But these new symptoms? The individuals were experiencing a similar cluster of symptoms at the same time, and I was treating them in a similar fashion. This was something else.

Over the last six years, we’ve gone through some really difficult times as a country. Those difficulties directed some of things which happened and may have impacted individuals trying to understand their health and what is going on.

Yet, we are not through it. Going forward, the next two years, we’ll be going through some pretty big learnings and much growth. Yet, my health and your health can’t wait until we’re allowed to talk about what may be causing our health symptoms.

BridgeSince I first started seeing the pattern in the symptoms, my focus has been bridging the gap between the latest research and holistic alternatives that can help repair and detox your body. You might wonder if this type of information could benefit you. If you’re experiencing something that just doesn’t feel right but can’t find answers through regular medicine, then maybe it’s time for you to do something different.

I do think there is an opportunity to repair your wellness and take back your health. Participate in my exclusive members-only area where you can see the latest research, how that impacted alternative decisions in clinic, and what I’ve been doing to help repair my clients’ health. In this area and on my Youtube channel, I’ve been sharing real life medical test results and what actions were taken to improve those results. If you’re looking for answers, become an active member. Click here to join the natural revolution and Health Hub today.