This week I’m talking with Dr. Daniel Chong a Naturopath in the Portland/Vancouver area. I’m excited about Dr. Chong because he has incorporated IV nutritional therapies into his practice. We’re going to talk about these therapies.

Why I’m excited is because I’ve been able to work with Dr. Chong indirectly with a number of my patients. Here is what I’ve been seeing. In general, we are suppose to be able to heal ourselves. In general, in my practice, through Oriental Medicine, people are able to heal themselves. And then there are the people who can’t.

I thought it was a traditional malabsorption issue due to some genetic predisposition. That wasn’t true because people who had things like IBS or Type II Diabetes could use Oriental Medicine and heal themselves. What I’m seeing, and Dr. Chong and I touch on in the interview, is medications. In my practice, 100% of the time, the inability to correct themselves was inversely correlated to the number of medications they were taking and the current impact those medications had on their body.

We are just starting to look at the effects of medications on the body. In 2006 we started seeing the studies published on chemotherapy indicating the ChemoBrain was a real event and that chemotherapy killed brain cells six times faster than it killed cancer cells. Just recently, studies have been published on acetaminophen and a statistically significant reduction in empathy. What that may mean is don’t get into an argument with someone who has just taken aspirin.

Over the next ten years, I believe we are going to see more research on how medications impact the bodies cellular structure. The focus will expand from side effects to long term implications of taking different medications. From experiential evidence, it appears that some medications impact the vitality of the cell impairing the metabolic functions. For those people, IV therapies may be a way they are able to uptake enough of the much needed nutrients.

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