One of the difficulties of the pandemic is the magnitude of changes that have happened to the immune system. The changes appear to be orchestrated by the spike protein, the small spike located on the virus’s surface, which allows the virus to attach to the cells. 

The Muddy Waters Report and the Mysteries of the Spike Protein

The most instructive written report on the virus was probably completed by U.S. Senate when Congress Spike Proteincommissioned the Muddy Waters report. The report explored the origins of Covid. The Muddy Waters report was the first coherent attempt to explain the complexities of the spike protein. To get a better understanding of the different parts of the spike protein, you can watch my episode on Youtube, “5 Ways the Spike Protein Harms Your Body.”

The Muddy Waters report explained that part of the spike protein was engineered to allow rapid mutation, which explains why this virus changes so frequently (in months instead of decades). That has left most of the medical community – regular, Western medicine providers to your Holistic and Alternative care providers – running to catch up with it. And the spike protein doesn’t present as a traditional virus or bacteria would present. To get a clearer picture of how much this virus does not follow medicine, watch my episode, “Sepsis Epidemic, What You Need to Know to Protect Yourself.”

Distinguishing Allergies from Omicron Symptoms

Recently, there has been an increase in allergy symptoms, and people feel pretty miserable with allergies. Because the symptoms of Omicron have become milder, it can feel like a really bad allergy attack. 

Is there a way to differentiate allergies from Omicron? 

Not really. In regular Western medicine, the tests that use to identify pathogens may not work with the spike protein. The pulse and tongue are the key diagnostic tools to identify disease in Chinese Medicine. Those have changed with this virus. I’ve found I have to focus on the symptoms coupled with the environment to get a better diagnostic. 

Here are some of the symptoms that have been showing up with this variant of Omicron.

  1. dry cough
  2. headache
  3. upset stomach
  4. you want to avoid feeling cold
  5. you might prefer room temperature or warm drinks to cold drinks
  6. pain or stiffness in the neck
  7. something going on in your throat
  8. generalized body aches and pain
  9. irritated eyes
  10. stuffy nose or nose that drips
  11. sinuses
  12. shortness of breath – if you’ve been using Health Hub and chronically detoxing the spike protein, you may not have shortness of breath.


The symptoms don’t come on at the same time. They can come and go, so there isn’t a clear pattern. The symptoms never feel like they are related to each other. 

Remember when you used to get the flu and all the symptoms would come at once, and you could easily identify the symptoms with the disease? Omicron doesn’t work like that. One week, you’ll have one thing. The next week it will be something else. The initial issue will have subsided. But, then the following week, the initial issue will come back with something else. And it goes on for weeks. Never being too severe, just leaving you feeling off. But ever so gradually getting worse.

Here is an example. I had one client who came in one week looking off and complaining about stomach upset. And it’s just stomach upset. They don’t have a fever, and there are no other symptoms. The pulse and tongue indicate it is not an external pathogen. So, you treat for phlegm in the stomach and digestive issues. And it seems to go away, and the next week they come in complaining their lower back pain is really bad, and their neck is stiff. The stomach issues have gone away. You treat back and neck pain, not an external pathogen. The pain is better, but it is back the next week, along with stomach issues and feeling irritable. 

How Does Environment Fit In?

pollen countsWhat about the environment? My geographic area is not affected by smoke from wildfires, and the pollen counts are low. The Cottonwood trees are finishing their bloom. The trees are a great trigger for allergies. Yet, the pollen counts are falling to the 5’s. Usually, pollen counts need to be in the 8’s or higher to have severe allergy symptoms. 

Maybe your symptoms did start out with allergies. Allergies take down your immune system, and Omicron is rising in my area. A couple weeks ago, 11% of ICU capacity was Omicron. With a weakened immune system, you may find that your allergies are not going away.

Putting it All Together and Finding the Pattern

I’m starting to see the pattern, but which pattern is it. In Chinese Medicine, every nuance of a cold and flu has a pattern. So, this has a pattern. Because the symptoms don’t come all at once, they come over time and sometimes come and go like waves, the pattern is not easily identified. 

I’ve been back in clinic for less than three months, and I’ve changed formulas for Omicron three times. It use to be the flu season would start, I would identify the pattern and formula and could use that formula for the whole season. But, the spike protein is different. It mutates rapidly, presenting with similar symptoms, but different. And it takes time to show the symptoms. It may take weeks to show enough symptoms to identify the pattern. 

That is what happened with this variant that is traveling through my area. I probably started seeing symptoms about three weeks ago. I knew it was an Omicron variant and treated it with formulas I had been using that were successful last month. The formulas helped keep the symptoms mild. Mild for Omicron is you don’t think you are sick. You just have all these miscellaneous things going on. Then the formulas didn’t work at all. That is the misdirection and deception of the spike protein. 

But enough time has passed, and I can finally see the pattern. This one uses the formula Jing Fang Bai Du San in Chinese Medicine. It is a warmer formula that deals with some of the weird dampness that comes with the spike protein. Most of the Covid variants need a warmer formula. So, even though Yin Qiao San can work with many things, it only sometimes works with Omicron. And it may be a timing thing with Yin Qiao San. You may need to take that right when you get hit. But who knows when you get hit?

You don’t have to have all the symptoms in the list. Maybe just three and feeling off. The term “feeling off” is a big clue to the spike protein. It is the most common phrase when people talk about their wellness, “I feel off.” 

Think about when you use to use that phrase. Before the pandemic – never. Feeling off is about something being wrong that you can’t identify. “Feeling off” is what people would say before a catastrophic health event like a stroke or a heart attack. People are using the phrase a lot. 

The Evolving Pulse and Tongue Patterns: Unraveling the Impact of Spike Protein in Chinese Medicine

I’ve been thinking a lot about why the pulse and tongue patterns no longer follow the traditional patterns of Chinese Medicine. They may not be following the traditional pulse patterns because there are two parts to this. There is the new variant attacking from the exterior, and there is the spike protein already in the body. The part already in the body has embedded itself in the tissues, and it’s not obvious how this gets out of your body without chronic detoxing. And then there is the new variant that has modified the spike protein just enough to make it a new invader. It may be the spike protein already in the body has modified our immune system. It may be the piece that has changed the pulse.

Unlocking Wellness: Join Health Hub to Take Control of Your Health Journey

Health HubIf your health has been changing over the past one to two years and you’ve been “feeling off”, it’s time to start taking a more active role in understanding your health and what you can do to return to wellness. My members-only area, Health Hub, is dedicated to bridging the gap between current research and holistic steps that can enhance your overall well-being. Feel like getting off this merry-go-round? Click here to join Health Hub today.