Feeling debilitated, weighed down, and staggering through life? Chronic fatigue can make everyday tasks feel overwhelming.

I’ve been there twice in my life.

The first time was twenty years ago. Diagnosed with chronic fatigue and rheumatoid arthritis, I was offered a prescription for relief. But as I looked around the waiting room, filled with patients renewing their meds, I faced a defining moment. I chose a different path, refusing to lose my life to prescriptions. Instead, I embarked on a holistic healing journey through diet changes, supplements, and alternative therapies. It took three years, but I regained my health.

The second time was after a post-COVID vax injury. The fatigue hit hard and fast. My Western doctors struggled, which led me to East Asian Medicine. Through persistence and holistic practices, I began to heal. Slowly but surely, I could walk upstairs without getting out of breath, and my sleep improved. Full recovery is a journey, but I’m on my way.

Over the last four years, I’ve found a clear path through East Asian Medicine to reclaim my stamina, helping me feel revitalized and energized. Now, I’m excited to share this knowledge in my clinic, helping others overcome their fatigue too.

You can overcome chronic fatigue. Believe in your power to heal and take the first step today! 

Book an online appointment and start your journey to a more energized you today!