In the last couple of weeks, I started getting tired. I was just so fatigued. I couldn’t figure it out. I was feeling exhausted, and it was just short of what it felt like when my ME/CFS was going into hyperdrive. I thought maybe I had triggered my ME/CFS again with all the activity I was doing.
Then, clients started telling me the COVID levels were high. I looked at the COVID levels in wastewater. In two weeks, wastewater levels went from high in a couple of states to 75% of the country having high levels of COVID-19 in their wastewater.
I know many individuals have been testing positive for COVID-19. But if you look at the OHSU hospitalization data, it’s pretty low right now. In 2023, the data tracked about 20-30 people a week in the hospital with COVID-19, and about 50% were unvaccinated.
Today, the number of individuals hospitalized is only in the teens, with the majority of them, 69%, fully vaccinated.
I bring these statistics up because this FLiRT variant is more contagious than any previous variant. The rapid spread in wastewater suggests FLiRT is really, really, really infectious. Yet, I’m not seeing a whole lot of people walking around coughing, sneezing, or having a runny nose. Without apparent illness, could it be that people walking around are sub-clinical or not symptomatic?
That got me thinking. If people are sub-clinical—not showing clinical signs of an infection—is there something I’m seeing in the clinic right now that appears to be widespread?
I am seeing many individuals experiencing extreme fatigue. The longer the fatigue lasts, it progresses to all-over body aches or congestion in the throat. Some look exhausted. Their color can be either pathological white or yellow. What is pathological white? It is like a bright, ghost white. Pathological yellow is splotchy yellow, usually with swelling.
When I considered it, I realized these symptoms fit lung symptoms in East Asian Medicine. It was just a highly complex expression of lung pathology. In clinic, I decided to treat the fatigue as a subclinical expression of FLiRT. People improved using acupuncture and herbal medicines.
What I’ve seen in the clinic and in myself is we don’t know we are sick. Today, we rarely say, “I feel sick“. Instead, we say, “I don’t feel right“. Or, “I just feel off“. We blame our lifestyle for why we are feeling off like if you have rheumatoid arthritis, it was going into overdrive. Or you were so busy you probably overdid it. Whatever COVID-19 is, for some individuals, it seems to lie just beneath their existing health conditions.
When we feel off, it can feel like our existing health issues are getting worse. So, its logical to think what you’re feeling is natural. COVID-19 and the spike protein attack us through our weakest links. That is probably the true beauty of the spike protein—its unique ability to adapt to each body and attach to the weakest link.
If you’re feeling a heavy blanket of fatigue and having a difficult time getting going, and that feeling has been getting stronger over the last few weeks, this may be why.
Some people had a full-blown FLiRT, and that was awful. But many of us did not have a full-blown FLiRT and still feel like something is wrong—very wrong.
Here is my checklist to help you think about when you might want to check if you have a COVID infection or treat for COVID. The spike protein directly affects our emotions and outlook on life. There is a weird darkness or sense of dispair that comes over some people.
- Feelings of depression increase.
- You start wondering, “What is the point”?
- You feel like something is internally wrong or off instead of feeling sick.
- You become argumentative.
- Internal feelings of pending doom.
- Symptoms from other health issues are increasing.
- Wastewater levels of COVID are high.
When I grew up, managing the illness was important. There was a specific season for flus and colds. The medical and pharmaceutical community focused on trying to manage these illnesses. They created a vaccine and some medications. But, usually, it was up to you to manage your illness.
The conversation is different today. Today, you have to manage your immune system. If you wait to manage the illness, it may be too late because there is no cold and flu season. When you go to the doctor, you find most of your symptoms don’t trigger a response in the medical community. COVID-19 is a year-round virus and a stone-cold killer.
How can you improve your immune system management? There are several different ways I offer to get more information on the science and wellness practices surrounding COVID-19.
- My members-only area, HealthHUB, discusses the supplements and treatments I’ve been using in the clinic and their quantities.
- I’m publishing a book on the East Asian Pharmacopia I’ve been using in the clinic. That will be available on Amazon.
- You can subscribe to my Youtube channel, BestAcupuncturellc, for free.
- You can work with me in the clinic by contacting the office at 360-841-7558.
- You can work with me remotely by clicking here and scheduling an appointment.
Since the pandemic started, we’ve seen a significant increase in mortality from heart disease or cancer and other diseases. Our immune system has been compromised, and what used to be mild infections like RSV and meta-pneumonia virus are now causing serious, life-threatening diseases or creating sepsis. And all of this appears to come down to the spike protein and our hubris in vaccine development.
We’ve been institutionalized to give ownership of our health to our Western Medical doctors. And if we do that, if we give ownership of our health to Western Medicine, we’ll be able to continue doing what we are doing because they promise us a bio-chemical answer that will hide our discomfort. That was working just fine. We still were living long lives, and with life through chemistry, we were able to continue to enjoy all those things that were damaging our health.
I question if we can do that today. If we do, we’ll enable the spike protein, which sits underneath our health in our tissues and organs, to continue pillaging our wellness. This new mutation of FLiRT? I don’t think it is benign. My belief is the spike protein is a master of Sun Tzu’s “The Art of War”. The battle is rarely won by direct confrontation. The battle is won by all the different ways the defenses can be damaged.
This brings me back to the institutionalization of our health ownership to Western Medicine. I think that era may be closing. The question is, “Are you willing to take steps right now to change that”? Through East Asian Medicine, a bio-organic approach is possible to help address sudden situations like this FLiRT. But we can’t continue to spot-check our health. It is going to take true systemic changes in eating, life outlook, behaviors, and interactions with others to repair the damage that has been done….
You can find all sorts of information on health and wellness here in the blogs. You can find hundreds of groups to join to help improve your wellness. In the end, you’re going to be responsible for owning your wellness, and, as uncomfortable as this sounds, you’re going to be left responsible for managing your immune system.