It’s been a challenging four years. Many of us have experienced a sudden and exponential increase in health issues. More and more, many of us are coming to the realization that the health issues we are experiencing are increasing.
And it’s not just in our heads. In my episode “Silent Crisis of Increasing Cancer and Mortality in Younger Adults,” I review 3 years of data. The statistics show an alarming increase in mortality, new cancer diagnoses, and heart disease. The surge starts in 2021. People are asking why. I think the mycoplasma bacteria may offer a clue.
What is mycoplasm bacteria? The bacteria are common in the environment. Mycoplasmas are the smallest and simplest bacteria. The bacteria are unique because the bacteria feed on cholesterol something other bacteria do not.
We know a lot about mycoplasma bacteria because of HIV and AIDS. Mycoplasmas are nicknamed “crabgrass” of cell cultures because their infections are persistent, difficult to detect, and difficult to cure. Yet, this bacteria infected many HIV and AIDs patients.
The research on AIDs and HIV found that mycoplasma bacteria is an opportunistic infection in weakened immune systems. They also found that in a weakened immune system the bacteria enhanced the infection of viruses.
Just to summarize, the AIDs and HIV research found some unique characteristics of mycoplasma bacteria.
- This bacteria is all over the environment.
- The bacteria needs a weakened immune system to infect the body.
- If the bacteria can access the body it can overgrow everywhere in the body.
- The bacteria strengthens viruses.
- Mild viral infections are more deadly with the presence of this bacteria.
- This bacteria is unique because it eats cholesterol.
Every month, something new that is very different from the thing attacking us last month rolls into our lives. We are not getting a break from illness. The viruses and bacteria that inhabit our environment, which used to live in harmony with our immune system, have gained an advantage and are now threatening our health.
We just had a month off from the high COVID levels in the wastewater plaguing us this year. Without time for a rest, a mycoplasma bacteria is creating walking pneumonia.
I highlight the type of bacteria, mycoplasma bacteria. Over the last three years, this bacteria has been part of many respiratory infections that should be mild, but are now severe. Mammals have also experienced deadly lung infections with mycoplasma bacteria.
- RSV was a mild infection that impacted a few children under 5 years old prior to 2022. In 2022, the U.S. experienced an aggressive RSV infection infection that came from multiple different RSV genomes causing death and infecting more than just children.
- In the summer of 2023, dogs experienced a strange respiratory disease with high mortality. Scientists noted the infection contained mycoplasma bacteria.
- In 2023, China experienced the same RSV-type infections in children the U.S. experienced in 2022. China identified a mycoplasma bacteria involved in the infection.
- In 2024, the U.S. has a rising number of mycoplasma bacteria pneumonia cases.
- In 2024, the U.S, Europe & China identified a “flu” made up of human metapneumonia virus. What is crazy is that before 2023 the scientific research couldn’t prove this virus even caused illness.
Usually mild viruses have become more deadly including RSV, human metapneumovirus, and kennel cough in dogs. Like mycoplasma bacteria, these mild viruses are found all over the environment. Over the last three years, they have broken through our immune system, and mycoplasma bacteria came with them.
The other thing that caught my attention about mycoplasma bacteria is it only eats cholesterol. When Big Pharma created the COVID shots, they manufactured a tiny envelope out of cholesterol. The envelope carried the instructions to make a special protein. The envelope is called a nanoparticle, and billions of envelopes went to the lungs.
The word “nano” is about size. It usually means the size is 1/billionth the size. So, really, really small. To help give you a visual, think of a bacteria. A virus is about 1,000 times smaller than a bacteria. A nanoparticle is 1,000 times smaller than a virus.
Billions of these small envelopes went to the lungs, and we’ve never learned if these envelopes decay or if they break down. In 2022, autopsies found two new things. Cholesterol shards were found in the lungs. The lungs were filled with small bubbles of cholesterol. This suggests the envelope used in the shots may have created a fertile feeding ground for mycoplasma bacteria.
With that background, this past week, individuals have been coming in feeling like they might be getting sick. Like all forms of illness this year, figuring out if you are sick has become more like reading tea leaves. And every form of illness has a strange flavor of COVID married in it.
You’re probably wondering if East Asian Medicine can help you overcome this latest pestilence impacting our lives. The short answer is, “Yes”. Putting together this article helped me outline this new form of illness and its association with mycoplasma bacteria. I realized that this bacteria is the most significant indication that our immune systems have been weakened because it can only infect a weakened immune system.
Mycoplasma bacteria are found everywhere in the environment. Before the release of the COVID-19 virus from it’s personal vault of hell accompanied by it’s partner, the new COVID-19 vaccines, mycoplasma bacteria barely impacted people. You had to be severely immune compromised to be infected with mycoplasma bacteria. You had to have AIDS.
It started to make sense that we are getting sick so often because the microplasma bacteria are a symptom of the disease. When I started working with this latest microplasma pneumonia in clinic, it appeared the pathogen was deep in the lungs at the level of the aveola, those small sacs deep in the lungs that transfer oxygen from the lungs to the body.
I had to wonder about why the microplasma bacteria were so deep in the lungs. What had compromised the lungs at that level? The thing that comes to mind is the nanoparticles, those tiny envelopes that were used by the vaccines to deliver instructions to our DNA. Those envelopes were programmed to move to the lungs and they moved to the lungs by the billions.
We don’t know much about the technology used to create the COVID-19 vaccines. Dr. Geert Vanden Bosshe is a virologist who has communicated extensively on the lack of knowledge and the risks of the COVID-19 vaccines. I have an episode on my Youtube channel that breaks down his research into easy to understand terms.
I haven’t seen any research that proves this envelope disintegrates. There was a Stanford study back in 2022 that found, by accident, the nanoparticles appeared to still be active in our bodies six month after injection. I haven’t found any other research on lifespan since.
Our weakened immune system may suggest this envelope does not break down. In the lungs, the envelope blocks oxygen uptake and creates things like high blood pressure, shortness of breath, dizziness, etc. Yet, with less oxygen in the lungs, the pH of the lungs would become more acidic. This would be a more anaerobic environment or an environment that lacks oxygen and the perfect environment for bacteria and virus growth.
The RSV infection in 2022 has some great information that supports the hypothesis that something has impacted our immune starting in 2021 making it weaker. Here is a preprint of an analysis of the 2022 RSV genomes. In 2022, pediatric wards across the country were overflowing due to RSV infections in children.
The original thought was the infection was only one highly contagious genome of RSV – which would be normal. In a small sample of 105 positive tests, 77 were different genomes or variants and the majority of the genomes predated the pandemic. How did all these viruses become so harmful?
This was the first time multiple genomes of the RSV virus were causing severe disease at the same time. Most of the viruses were from before the pandemic when RSV was mild. It didn’t make sense. But, if our immune systems had been damaged and the microplama bacteria took the opportunity to infect the lungs, then the bacteria boosted the harmful effects of viruses. That supported why so many different genomes or variants of RSV seemed to cause severe disease.
In this scenario, the RSV is a symptom, not the cause. The microplasma bacteria is another symptom. Something has weakened the immune system which has allowed the microplasma bacteria to take advantage of the situation and infect the body. The microplasma bacteria boosts the harmful effect of any virus.
That starts to help me understand why we are getting infected over and over again.
I’ve also noticed that East Asian Medicine has been beneficial when treating anything related to COVID-19 infections, long-haulers, or vax injuries. Before COVID, I used East Asian Herbal Medicine to rebuild and support the immune system. Since that time, I’ve used East Asian Herbal Medicine to plug the holes in our immune system. I don’t know if we can rebuild the immune system.