I’m curious why East Asian Herbal medicine has been so helpful protecting our health from all shades of COVID-19, from infections to long-haulers to vax injuries. Treating individuals in the clinic for the latest thing attacking wellness, mycoplasma pneumonia, gave me an answer.

In the clinic, I saw some nuances in mycoplasma pneumonia. This infection was very focused on the lungs, and, it seemed to be resistant to treatment. It isn’t. It just takes more time. You may be thinking, “It’s pneumonia. Of course, it’s focused on the lungs.” Yet, in East Asian Medicine, pneumonia is rarely just about the lungs.

What was it about mycoplasma bacteria that finally got me to look at the problem from a different angle?

Mycoplasma bacteria are all over the environment. Besides mycoplasma bacteria in the environment, we walk through a soup of viruses daily. Until three years ago, we could walk through these bacterial and viral plumes without being affected.

A link between mycoplasma pneumonia and our weakened immune systemWhy was something that is everywhere suddenly impacting so many people? I pulled the research on microplasma bacteria. Where this bacteria gained attention was in AIDS patients. Mycoplasma bacteria is an opportunistic bacterial infection. It requires a weakened immune system to infect the body. Once inside the body, this bacteria supports and enhances the harmful effects of viruses. To learn more about the research, check out my article, “The Potential Link Between Mycoplasma Bacteria and A Weakened Immune System.”

A healthy immune system can repel mycoplasma bacteria. The compromised immune system in AIDS patients had them experiencing chronic infections of mycoplasma bacteria. Starting in 2022, mycoplasma bacteria accompanied many mild viruses, which turned deadly, like RSV, human metapneumovirus, and kennel cough in dogs.

The research on AIDS highlighted that mycoplasma bacteria support and strengthen viruses, and when you find these bacteria in the body, they are a symptom of a severely compromised immune system.

The timing of these infections comes when many scientists and doctors question what has happened to our immune system. From 2021 forward, the statistics are showing jumps in cancer diagnoses, heart issues, and excess deaths (deaths over the average trend line). I review the statistics in the episode “The Silent Crisis of Increasing Cancer and Mortality in Younger Adults.

This extraordinary jump in disease and deaths comes at a critical time. 2021 is the year of the introduction of the new COVID-19 jabs. Since 2021, there has been much research into how these jabs impact the body. You can check out my playlist on YouTube, “Life Under Coronavirus.” It covers my work and the work of Western doctors, research scientists, and other individuals.

These statistics point to an adverse change in our immune system. In addition to that, chronic mycoplasma bacteria infections are a warning sign of a compromised or weakened immune systems. Like an AIDS patient, the immune system appears to have become susceptible to repeated infections of mycoplasma bacteria. The mycoplasma infection has made us vulnerable to viruses that have not been a problem historically.

Is this the next step in progressing the COVID-19 disease? I wonder if this disease works like AIDS and will cause so much harm the body can no longer sustain life. Part of this disease is the jabs. Research talks about the holes the jabs punched into our immune system. Most of the research suggests the holes are permanent.

When COVID-19 started, I used Chinese herbs to support our immune system. Since the beginning of herbal medicine, the function has been to support and rebuild the body. Herbal medicine does not turn on or off levers in the body to suppress symptoms like pharmaceuticals.

That one change – working with the body instead of suppressing the body – has had a significant impact on wellness. Think of how many children you know who have had chronic infections over the last three years. Kids under 7 are precarious because their immune systems are not fully developed. They naturally have a “weakened immune system.” Treating only with repeated rounds of antibiotics, inhalers, and allergy medications further weakens their immune system.

Think of how many people you know who started out with high blood pressure in the last four years. How many of them used pharmaceuticals to manage the symptoms. How many of them have much worse health? Western medicine didn’t work like this before 2020.

Geert Vanden BossheIn 2024, the COVID-19 flirt variant came in. According to several virologists, this variant significantly changed the COVID-19 virus. If you want more information on the change, view my YouTube episode, “Unlock Easy Guide to Geert Vanden Bosshe COVID Vaccine Insights.”

That change in the virus impacted how I used herbs in the clinic. Instead of using herbs to support and rebuild the body, I started using Chinese Herbal medicine to plug up the holes in the immune system so that your immune system can do what it is supposed to do.

In the Pacific Northwest, we had a month off from the high COVID levels in the wastewater when mycoplasma pneumonia infections started happening in the clinic.

This past week, individuals have been coming in feeling like they might be getting sick. That describes our current reality. We have been wandering around with low-level infections for so long, we can’t tell when we are getting sick. Like all illnesses today, there are many different versions depending on how your immune system has been compromised.

This is different from before the pandemic. Before 2019, a flu or cold would come through, and I just had to find that one formula. Everyone could use that one formula. It was very similar to Western medicine, where they would give you a diagnosis and then have a very specific path for treating the disease.

Since COVID-19, that one formula option no longer works. Each individual is different and requires a different formula based on how long they have been fighting the infection and their immune system. Families living together have been different. There seems to be a similar infection within families living together, and they can use the same formula. Otherwise, everyone needs something different.

MagicalChinese herbal medicine has been beneficial during this crisis because God created a world full of medicine to heal us. I bring in God to better explain that plants understand your body and magically support, rebuild, or plug where your body has holes.

I don’t use the word “God” or “magically” lightly. I got into East Asian Medicine because of my experience with my mom. When my mother’s stage three, two BRCA2 mutations and HER 2 positive came back in the late 1970’s, she decided to work with an East Asian Medical provider instead of Western Medicine. He worked specifically with diet and lifestyle. For three years my mother followed his advice. At the end of that time, she was in complete remission and lived another 40 years.

I thought what that medical provider knew was magic. All the brightest minds in the world were trying to heal cancer, and he did it with food. Something as simple as food. That experience got me into East Asian Medicine because I wanted to learn that magic.

Well, I have learned that magic. I am not the grand master who worked with my mother. But, what I’ve come to know now, which I didn’t know then, was all the plants and herbs on this planet were put here to help us. Learning how the energy flowed within and outside the body identified how to move back from illness into harmony or health.

I wonder if the problems have become much more complicated today. Much of the natural landscape is plowed under, built upon, or polluted. Much of our immune system is impacted by modern life. Chinese herbal medicine helps by supporting, rebuilding, or plugging the holes in our bodies. Today, Chinese herbal medicine still supports the system in ways that seem like complete magic.

Treating LonghaulersKim has been working with All Things COVID-19 since the beginning of the pandemic. To learn about some of the ways she has been treating long-haulers in clinic, get her latest book on Amazon, The Treatment of Long-haul COVID and Vax Injury: with East Asian Medicine .