• Unlocking Hope: The Link Between Lower Booster Uptake and the Positive Shifts in COVID-19 Statistics

    It's been four years since COVID-19 first entered our daily lives. Since [...]

    Published On: April 9, 20248.3 min read
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  • How to Treat a Barking Cough Naturally

    Looking to find answers for the latest Covid symptoms - the barking cough? Here is the union of Western and Chinese Medicine to help you navigate your way through health choices.

    Published On: June 3, 20227.4 min read
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  • UCSD/UCLA Get FDA Approval to Study Chinese Herbs to Treat COVID-19

    UCSD/UCLA get FDA approval to study Chinese Herbs to Treat COVID-19. The [...]

    Published On: September 10, 20213.2 min read
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